Payment of Fees:
Payment of fees must accompany all registrations and may be made by personal
cheque or credit card (Bankcard, Mastercard, Visa or AMEX only). Cheques should
be made payable to AFIF Conference.
ABN 83 722 696 718
Your registration form acts as your tax invoice. Please refer to the
accommodation section for tax invoices relating to accommodation bookings.
Cancellations and Refunds:
Cancellations must be notified in writing to the Secretariat.
Cancellations received:
Before 21 April 2006 will incur a A$110.00 cancellation fee.
Before 5 May 2006 will receive a 50% refund of fees paid.
After 5 May 2006 there will be no refund.
Registration Desk:
The Registration Desk will be located in the foyer of the conference area and
will be open the following times:
Wednesday 17 May 1600 – 1800
Thursday 18 May 0830 – 1700
Friday 19 May 0830 – 1600