AFIF is able to offer members the opportunity to purchase a number of industry related publications and products. In particular, we are the authorised sales agent for IATA Publications and OAG Publications and Products for Australia.
Detailed information can be found under the respective headings listed on this page
If you cannot find a service listing here, please send an email to with a request for information.
We also offer other industry publications and products:
IATA Publications
Click here to view items and Price List
IATA Publications:
Through it's wholly owned subsidiary - the 'Airfreight Academy of Australia' - AFIF is the official publication sales Agent of Australia for all IATA publications, including IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR's); Infectious Substances; Perishable Cargo Handling; ULD Technical manual and Live Animals Manual.
We also offer other industry publications and products:
OAG Publications & Products
Click here to view items and Price List
Click here for Airfreight Rates
Click here for Airfreight Schedules
From December 2010, AFIF became the Authorised General Sales Agent (GSA) of OAG Cargo products for Australia which allows AFIF to provide OAG data packages, books, CD�s and online resources for the aircargo industry. OAG is a UBM Aviation business, recognised for its comprehensive information and services to the world�s airlines, airports, global distribution systems, aircraft manufacturers, financial institutions, government agencies and travel planners. They provide multi-media aviation information and resources to the airline and freight related industries. The partnership will mean a wider range of resources and easier access of the products for the Australian aviation Industry. The information that can be provided by OAG utilises the latest technology and will ensure users maintain an advantage in this highly competitive national and global market.
About OAG
OAG is a UBM Aviation business providing the aviation industry's most accurate, single source of information for essential aviation data, analytics, marketing and consulting services, network planning and route development from its comprehensive airline Schedules, Fleet, Flight Status, MRO and Cargo Logistics database. OAG�s airline schedules database holds future and historical flight details for over 1,000 airlines and more than 4,000 airports.
RACA Security Signs |
Dangerous Goods Declaration Pads |
Industry Books |
FIATA - Bills of Lading |