
Program |General Conference |Patrick Golf Challenge |Social Events

Patrick Golf Challenge Photos

Golf Teams

Golf Teams Golf Teams Golf Teams Golf Teams
Golf Teams

Golf Teams Golf Teams Golf Teams

Golf Teams
Golf Teams

Golf Teams Australia TradeCoast Serving on Course!

Patrick Golf Challenge Patrick Welcome Reception
Glenn Lazarus, Paul Dunn (EDI) presenting Cameron McFarlane (Henning Harders) with his prize for Closest to Pin

Glenn Lazarus, Paul Dunn (EDI) presenting Grant Allison-Young (ICS Rep)) with his prize for Closest to Pin Glenn Lazarus, Chris Jensen (Wilson Logistics) being presented with his closet to pin prize from Peter Avery (Lufthansa) Glenn Lazarus presenting Darryl Sharp (Austin International) with Longest Drive prize, with Ross Di Lizio (ACP) who sponsored the prize

Glenn Lazarus presenting Colin Nash with return tickets to Bangkok to Colin Nash (BAX Global) with Tony Mulherin (Thai Airlines) who kindly sponsored the prize
The “Losing Golf Team’:
Patrick Team of Robert Young (Port of Brisbane), Bernie McCarthy (Patrick) and Glenn Lazarus

Runner Up 4 Ball Group:
Glenn Lazarus with the team:
Russel Thomson (Exel), Peter Avery (Lufthansa) and Ross Di Lizio (ACP)
Winning 4 Ball Group:
Glenn Lazarus with Glenn Hilton (CSX World Terminals), Jim Purcell (AGS World Transport) and Tony Mulherin (Thai)

Winning Corporate Team:
UACRob Ashcroft (UAC), Glenn Lazarus, Geoff Young, (UAC) and Joseph Fogarty (Sadliers International)